Our Team

Amanda D. McCordic

Born and raised in New Brunswick, Amanda McCordic graduated from St. Thomas University in 2005, then received her Bachelor of Law degree in 2008 from the University of New Brunswick.

Upon completing her articles, Amanda worked first with the Child and Youth Advocate’s Office, before accepting a position with the New Brunswick Legal Aid Service Commission. In August 2016, Amanda left Legal Aid to open her own law firm, McCordic Law & Mediation. Her practice focuses mainly on family law, with the goal of moving people forward after separation in a humane and expedient fashion. While capturing the respect of her clients, she retains a ground-level perspective and proven problem-solving strategies that permit her to view the big picture all while ensuring first-class representation of her clients. Her pragmatic and energetic style persists following resolution, meaning Amanda’s clients are provided every opportunity to grow and prosper with creative and long-term solutions. She deals with matters varying from the simplest of mediation to the most complex and sensitive subjects.

In April 2020, Amanda was diagnosed with stage 4 Breast Cancer. After processing the diagnosis, Amanda focused on building a lifestyle that would allow her to give her body every chance to heal. As a part of that evolution, Amanda began learning about Reiki, receiving both weekly sessions and also receiving training. In May 2020, Amanda received her Level 1 & 2 certificate through the International Center for Reiki Training, and in November 2020, Amanda completed her Master Reiki training, and is now a registered Professional Member of the International Center for Reiki Training.

Through her Reiki practice, Amanda primarily focuses on working with clients who are going through a separation or who are involved with the court system. This allows Amanda to help the clients move forward and heal, while also making sound legal decisions.

Amanda is also certified to conduct Reiki training at levels 1, 2 and at the Master level. Classes can be conducted in person at our beautiful office or at other locations of the clients choice.

Amanda now divides her energy between her legal practice and developing her Reiki practice, while continuing to pursue a lifestyle that allows her body to rest and heal. As such, while Amanda is open to consult on any of the files that come through the office, she limits her caseload to 20 active cases at a time.

Amanda has been married to her partner, Matthew Wilson for many years, and together they are raising their son, Ethan and their daughter, Amelia. Amanda and Matthew believe that family and community should always come first, and have committed to being compassionate progressively minded employers and being a positive part of their community.

Laura Murphy

Born in Ontario, Laura moved to New Brunswick at the young age of 4 and has made her home here over the past 22 years. Laura is a proud military daughter, having grown up with her dad stationed at CFB Gagetown. Laura is well-versed in the intricacies of military life, which gives her a unique perspective for the community we serve.

Laura received her Bachelor of Arts from St. Thomas University in 2018, with a Major in Criminology and a Minor in Psychology. After a year of self-reflection and determining her true path, Laura applied to and was accepted to the University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Law in 2019. Laura received her Juris Doctor from UNB in 2022, and from there she joined the team at McCordic Law & Mediation for her articles. Laura successfully completed her articles in May of 2023, and was called to the New Brunswick Bar in June of 2023. Laura has stayed on as a lawyer with her new family at McCordic Law & Mediation and will be practicing family and criminal law.

Justice has always been the driving force behind Laura’s ambitions. Laura has a kind, open heart and a unique sense of empathy that allows her to feel the emotions of others, and truly understand their perspectives. Throughout Laura’s entire life, her aspirations have walked the same line, which is helping others. Laura can offer a unique perspective in many family law matters, having dealt with issues of divorce in her own life, as well as her own personal experience with familial and intimate partner violence. Laura strives to use her empathy, kindness, understanding and strong sense of justice to balance against the fears that many clients have when entering the legal system - for any reason, so that clients can move towards the most peaceful resolution to their matter in a humane manner. Laura further strives to use her personal experiences to let clients know that they are not alone, and they have a safe space within her office.

In her free time, Laura enjoys painting, spending time in nature with her family and cherished friends or spending quality time alone. Laura is an animal lover, often spending lots of time snuggling with her cat, or playing with her parents’ dog.

Anna M. F. Virtue

Anna joined McCordic Law & Mediation after being called to the Bar in October of 2023. Anna was born in New Brunswick and attended St. Thomas University to complete her Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Criminology, with a special focus on Intimate Partner Violence sentencing decisions in LGBTQIA+ relationships. Anna went on to complete her Juris Doctor degree at the University of New Brunswick.

Before becoming a lawyer, Anna spent five years as a Family Support Worker in the child protection context, working closely with parents and children as they navigated challenging life circumstances. Through this experience, Anna gained a trauma-informed perspective that prioritizes the well-being of children while recognizing that parents, too, are often a product of their environment. Anna is a firm believer that everyone has a story worthy of empathy, understanding, and acknowledgment.

In addition to her experience working directly with families, Anna has worked as a research assistant with the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre, co-authoring two short publications: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Family Violence in the Family Law Context (2021) and Family Law Mediation in Family Violence Cases: Basics and Best Practices (2022). After completing law school, Anna completed her articles with the New Brunswick Office of the Child & Youth Advocate and the New Brunswick Legal Aid Services Commission. In these roles, Anna became very familiar with social programming, policy and legislative processes in the Province of New Brunswick.

Since launching her legal career, Anna has remained committed to continued education and is always looking for opportunities to better serve her clients. To that end, Anna has undertaken additional training on Real Estate Transactions to expand our firm’s service offerings. In December of 2023, Anna completed Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Ryoho (First and Second Degree Reiki), to facilitate a multifaceted approach to empowering clients.

Anna’s practice at McCordic Law is focused on Family Law and Wills. Anna considers it an immense privilege to guide clients through their final wishes for their estates. In the family law context, Anna offers a trauma-informed approach to navigating monumental life changes with the ultimate goal of having clients arrive at their “next chapter” with a sense of hope for the future.

Outside of the office, Anna enjoys spending time outside with her young daughter and office dog (Murphy), and is an avid hiker. Anna can also frequently be found with her nose in a book, or at a local brewery enjoying good conversation with good friends.

Charlene Robichaud

Charlene Robichaud, mother, Reiki Master, teacher, and kind soul, who embraces life. With the new world advancing at rapid speed, she took a step back from a corporate position to place herself in a more relatable career path with the New Age Modality of Reiki.

Before Charlene’s Reiki journey, she was hit by a life changing event. Divorce. While exploring how to climb the mountain of self-love, she met new friends and new life events which in turn brought Reiki into her life. The healing began.

Charlene strives to help others become the very best version of themselves. Her mission is to guide and promote healing for humans wishing to “level up” and find their true authentic selves. Shed the pain. To bring awareness that we as humans, have everything we need already within ourselves, to achieve our highest level of authenticity. We are light bringers. She specializes in stress relief, divorce, and is exploring sitting with children.

Located in Fredericton, but also available globally, Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki is offered in two ways. Sessions and Training Classes.

Sessions can be done in-person, online or by phone by hand placements, and inviting the Reiki energy to flow. Reiki with the use of sacred symbols, allows her to reach clients online or by phone and is becoming increasing popular as the world advances and with the restrictions in place with Covid 19.

Training Classes are co-taught with friend and colleague Amanda McCordic and provide the attunements, placements, and ignitions necessary to become a Reiki Practitioner yourself.

Charlene received her training through the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) in 2021 and continues to learn through sessions and teaching. Practice makes perfect.

In her spare time, Charlene is an accomplished hiker and explorer. She loves to travel and is always up for spending time in nature grounding and collecting little treasures along the way.

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